A Penguin Books acaba de lançar uma app (para iPhone e iPad) com grandes clássicos da literatura infantil: Me Books. Este setor está em franco crescimento deste que surgiu. As crianças parecem aderir muito bem a estes e-books mais interativos. Novas literacias, novas leituras.
Penguin Children’s Books has released a new children’s reading book app called Me Books for the iPhone and iPad. The app brings to life classic children’s book titles in digital form. The app is available for £.69 and comes with the Ladybird Classics title The Zoo. Readers can buy additional stories in the app including: Cinderella, Gingerbread Man, Jack and The Beanstalkand The Three Billy Goats Gruff. All of the books are available through an in-app purchase of £1.99 each. (Penguin must be paying Apple their share on this, since Apple now requires a take on in-app content purchases).
[via mediabistro]