“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” Zadie Smith

terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010


O 1º walkman da Sony foi lançado, no Japão, em 1979, e rapidamente, se impôs em todo o mundo. Nascia o conceito de 'música portátil'. Ter um walkman era o sonho de qualquer adolescente, lembram-se? Hoje, poucos sabem o que é uma cassete e, sobretudo, que ela está gravada dos dois lados! A BBC fez uma experiência com um jovem: teria que usar um walkman em vez do seu iPod: ele levou 3 dias a descobrir essa 'particularidade'!!! Eis o que jovem disse desta experiência:
When I saw it for the first time, its colour also struck me. Nowadays gadgets come in a rainbow of colours but this was only one shade - a bland grey.
So it's not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing choice of music player. If I was browsing in a shop maybe I would have chosen something else.
[...] When I wore it walking down the street or going into shops, I got strange looks, a mixture of surprise and curiosity, that made me a little embarrassed.
[...Personally, I'm relieved I live in the digital age, with bigger choice, more functions and smaller devices. I'm relieved that the majority of technological advancement happened before I was born, as I can't imagine having to use such basic equipment every day.
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