“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” Zadie Smith

terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010


Até dá vontade de marcar já um voo que termine ou tenha escala longa no aeroporto de Amesterdão. Motivo? A nova biblioteca que ali abriu esta semana! Ora vejam:

Travelers who are passing through Schiphol Airport will have access to books, music, and films, with Dutch fiction translated into 29 languages. Yes, most of the materials available are Dutch-oriented, but not all of it – and if you’re killing time in an airport, you could do worse than to spend time in a library full of Dutch culture.
As mentioned, the Schiphol Airport Library isn’t designed for you to check something out to read on your flight en route to your vacation and then drop off on your way through the airport en route home. But the library does offer a few downloadable movies (about Dutch culture, of course) that you can transfer to your mobile phone (or, one assumes, to an iPod) via Bluetooth for later viewing.
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