Pergunta insólita? Bem...Manter uma biblioteca com um catálogo actualizado e em permanente crescimento é caro e requer espaço. Por outro lado, sabemos que os alunos recorrem, em 1ª lugar, aos recursos on-line. A escola Cushing Academy alienou o seu fundo de mais de 20 000 documentos para organizar uma biblioteca exclusivamente digital. A discussão está instalada: será que devemos continuar a manter as tradicionais bibliotecas' Quais são as consequências de os alunos só lerem em ecrãs?
Aqui podem ser lidas as opiniões de vários especialistas (directores, bibliotecários, autores...) das quais retiramos os seguintes excertos:
James Tracy - Cushing Academy’s decision to create a digital format for our library collection in no way signaled the end of books at Cushing. Rather, it reflected the way students learn and conduct research today, as well as our belief that traditional libraries must be reimagined to remain vital.
Liz Gray - Just because there’s a lot of information online does not mean that students know how to find it, nor is the freely available information always the best information or the right information. One of my primary responsibilities as a librarian is to teach information literacy skills — defining research questions, selecting and evaluating sources, avoiding plagiarism, documenting sources — and in my experience this works best face to face with students.
Mathew Kirschenbaun - Do schools need libraries and do students need books? Of course they do. There are the predictable brickbats: Not everything is digitized yet, nor soon will be. A screen is less conducive to deep concentration than the stillness of the page. Bits are brittle.
William Powers - This is indeed the start of a new era. Digital devices are transforming how we live in all kinds of thrilling ways, and we’ve only begun to explore their potential. But embracing these new tools doesn’t require us to simultaneously throw out all the old ones, particularly those that continue to serve useful purposes. Who says it has to be an either-or decision?
Nicholas Carr - The printed word long ago lost its position of eminence in the American library. If you go into any branch of a public or school library today, you’ll almost certainly see more people staring into Internet terminals than flipping through the pages of books.
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