“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” Zadie Smith

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010


Na Cashton School District decidiu levar para dentro das salas de aulas os equipamentos que andam nas mãos de quase 100% de crianças: iPods. Estes combinam-se com os Smart Boards e são usados nas aulas, praticamente, numa base diária. " Se pensarmos no mundo para qual os estamos a preparar, esse não é um mundo de manuais e lápis", afirmou o director da escola, Ryan Alderson, que acrescenta: "Estes equipamentos permitem um ensino mais personalizado."

They are little devices called iPods or the iPod touch, and most kids use them to listen to music or watch movies. The Cashton School District is using them to help students learn."If we think about the world that we're preparing them for, it's not a world of textbooks and pencils," says Cashton Elementary principal Ryan Alderson. The Cashton School District is preparing students by bringing some of the latest technology into the classroom. "We use the SMART boards or the iPods or the iPod touch on almost a daily basis," says Cashton Elementary teacher Beth Lee.

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