Na Polónia, as bibliotecas escolares estão em vias de ser extintas sendo que as bibliotecas públicas serão chamadas a instalar uma espécie de 'balcões' nas escolas! A Presidente da associação de Professores Bibliotecários polaca, Danuta Brzezińska, escreveu à IFLA expondo a situação e dando conta da petição contra esta medida que o governo pretende tomar. Eu já assinei porque acho que as bibliotecas escolares são absolutamente necessárias e desempenham um papel diferente das públicas.
Warsaw, 11 March 2013
The International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions
Dear Colleagues Librarians,
I am turning to you on behalf of The
Association of Polish Schools’ Teachers Librarians and thousands of not
associated workers of Polish school and public libraries.
The Polish government (The Ministry of
Administration and Digitization) is planning to introduce changes in laws
regulating activities of the libraries in our country. It assumes:
- Creating opportunities combining functions of public and school libraries. Public Library will be able to perform the function of the school library (having an office in the school), the school library will be able to play the role of the public library. Furthermore, it will be possible to an agreement jointly perform the tasks of the public library and school.
- It means that the project allows for a possibility of joining tasks of these different types of libraries, delegating their functions and replacing ones with others. The only reason for these changes is purely economical – savings.
- Nor research nor analyses of the possible outcome of these changes have been carried out. What is more, an important question of educative and cultural role of the libraries has not been taken into consideration at all.
In our opinion, execution of these intentions
will lead to the unreasonable process of liquidating school libraries – the
only interdisciplinary places, and, in effect – lowering the quality of
education in Polish schools. It is the school library that prepares students to
create the society of knowledge. We also reckon that it does tend to liquidate
the occupation of a teacher librarian who plays the main role in this part of
We have already organized a civil protest on a
social networking site
, you can also log on our Internet site following
Over 44,000 people have already supported our protest. Consultations on the
project are still being held.
Hereby, we are making an appeal to local and
international organisations, hoping that your opinion might stop these harmful
plans come true.
Yours faithfully,
Danuta Brzezińska
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