“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” Zadie Smith

sábado, 18 de setembro de 2010


A British Library acaba de publicar um documento que resulta de uma reflexão, ao longo do último ano, sobre o papel que esta biblioteca irá desempenhar na próxima década, num mundo em tão acelerada mudança tecnológica.

Our vision: In 2020 the British Library will be a leading hub in the global information network, advancing knowledge through our collections, expertise and partnerships, for the benefit of the economy and society and the enrichment of cultural life

Our vision is supported by five key themes which set out the strategic priorities for the Library:
1. Guarantee access for future generations.
2. Enable access to everyone who wants to do research.
3. Support research communities in key areas for social and economic benefit.
4. Enrich the cultural life of the nation.
5. Lead and collaborate in growing the world’s knowledge base

Todo o documento pode ser lido aqui.

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