[cartaz oficial]
É uma iniciativa de Brian Heater e Sarah Morean que ocorre pela 1ª vez e que tem um propósito muito simples: dar 'visibilidade' e 'dignidade' à leitura de BD, fazendo-o em público e...fotografando o ato para posterior divulgação no blog do Brian Heater! Vamos aderir? Eu estou afim!
"The concept is fairly simple: we’re asking that everyone take an hour or two out of their day on August 28th (also the birthday of Jack “King” Kirby, incidentally) to read a comic book in a public setting—a park bench, a beach, a bus, the front steps of your local library (we do ask, however, that you be mindful of local loitering laws). Let strangers see you reading a piece of sequential art.
Take to the streets. Be proud. If someone asks what you’re reading, say, “a comic book” (the phrase “graphic novel is also acceptable, but let’s face it, it sort of defeats the whole purpose). Heck, lend them a book, if you’ve got an extra—what better way to make a new friend and convert a new reader?
While you’re at it, why not get a friend to snap a picture of you reading? Send it along and we’ll post it up for you in our photo gallery and on our site."
[via Bibliofilmes]
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