“Well-run libraries are filled with people because what a good library offers cannot be easily found elsewhere: an indoor public space in which you do not have to buy anything in order to stay.” Zadie Smith

sábado, 2 de maio de 2009


Agora que o ME se prepara para lançar um portal com recursos educativos, vale a pena ir lendo sobre projecto idênticos noutros países, como é o caso do Reino Unido. No próximo ano lectivo, todas as escolas britânicas terão acesso ao National Digital Resource Bank.

The NDRB is essentially a gigantic online swapshop. If it works, teachers will hit "Search" and gain access to resources designed and tested by their 400,000 colleagues across the country. Hours spent concocting lesson plans late into the night will be a thing of the past. Students will also be able to download educational videos, exercises and audio clips. And, unlike what Google throws up, everything will be quality assured and copyright safe (sublinhado meu). LER +

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